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Buddhism Makes People Real Human Beings

2012-08-02 05:27 来源:Xuemo of Culture 作者:Xue Mo Translator:HuanHuan Xiao Reviser:LiLing 浏览:59551754


Buddhism Makes People Human Beings




Mahamudra was called The Great Symbol. It's a culture which contains both spirit and material world of human beings. In one hand, it symbolizes a transcendence progression of the mental and the spiritual (such as Mahamudra cultrue), while in the other hand; it also leads you to a better integration into the material world (such as Liangzhou Xianxiao).


It's a culture about mind cultivation and soul reshaping, which makes us to be more tolerant, broad minded, wise, and peaceful. What's more important is to make us become the real Human Beings. Not just like living animals or the slaves of material and desires. Then it comes to a question.


What's the real Human Being? The point is to have a real human heart. Well. It comes to another question. What's the real human heart? It's the heart which will not change according to external world, be generous with each other and belongs to yourself , ever and forever.


Nowadays, it true that very few people could has their own heart. After my speech yesterday, Wang Guangdong ,the professor of Shanghai University told me : " Xuemo, I have a very strong resonance with your point of view. We could seldom get in touch with such kind of culture in Shanghai. Even in this day and age. So I take you as my brother when I heard your own philosophy." A Deputy Director of Institute of Literature like him even seldom heard of this. You can imagine the rest of us.


Our heart was disturbed to be confused, anxious by the complex and messy external world. When something is becoming popular, people will follow it blindly. Such illusory and conceptual idea of popular perturbed their heart strongly. For example, a lot of ladies suffered the pain to create the fold in eyelids by one or several cut on their borned and pretty single eyelids. But actually it makes very unnatural looking. During "Stock Frenzy”, some people even sold their house, disregard their families, work, and the rest important things in life. But when the stock market crash, many people lost their health or commit suicide. When the world considers fortune as the symbol of success, every people just go after it and even don’t know there is another value standard which beyonds material. So, I think the true value standard first requires us to be a real human being who has the rudimental personal dignity and morality bottom line.


To be a good son, good father, good husband and good friend. All the pursuits should be started by being nice to the people around you. If you just chase for the things under your desire but make your families and friends unhappy, it makes no sense. I told my son, even he is the night man, he is still the good son if he is the good Human being. So if people can be a good Human being who can carry his own responsibility, I will consider he is successful, nothing related to his wealth or position.  If he can't achieve this standard or awful for others, no matter how rich he is, he can't even be called a Human Being.


Therefore, the other standard of the world which I was talking is the people's own morality and responsibility. In consideration of such a standard, it doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of money. Of course, it's also good if you do. Bill Gates is great and wealthy. But his greatness is not because of his money or his competence. It's actually his positive action and retribution to the society by contributing his own hard-earned money. So does Buffett. He donated most of his money to Bill Gates Foundation.


Plenty of people were tied to the concept which was well known and popular. During a period fulfilled with such concept, please be cautious that it will probably lasso your heart by your own bolas. When you can't set your heart free, you can't do the things you should do. And you can't be the real Human Being which you should be, which will cause the big contrast.


Mahamudra culture is the one about human beings subjectivity. It pursues the unconditional freedom of soul, so as to achieve the present consciousness of Solicitude and ultimate transcendence. The Western culture is against superstition. The Western Wiseman will never pray: "Budda, please give me some money". They will not either seek for more material from external world, they are always happy. No matter there is money or not, more or less, it will never change their happiness. And that's the real happiness which truly belongs to them.


Mahamudra: It's also called "The Great Hand Seal". "Great” means the broad mind and great compassion. "Hand" refers to positive actions and helping behaviors to society. "Seal" is the confirmation of the perfection of primordial wisdom by Guru.


Liangzhou Xianxiao: It's the unique culture of China western city Liangzhou. One of forms in Chinese national ancient folk music, which instructs people to believe in karma and encourage to punishing the evils and praiseing the deeds. 




The article is translated by culture volunteers, who are not professionals. During the translation process, some inaccuracies and omissions may occur. We warmly welcome you to give us your advice on translation and to make suggestions for revision. We appreciate your contact with us and we will precede amendment and correction according to your advice.At the same time, we warmly welcome the professional to join our volunteer's team.


Please contact us at suonanzhuoma1988@163.com, thank you.













我们的心灵被外部世界的花花绿绿干扰得六神无主、方寸大乱。当这个世界上流行一种东西的时候,我们就 一窝蜂地跟了上去。流行双眼皮的时候,很多女士去忍受着疼痛,让自己美丽的单眼皮挨上一刀,或者几刀,结果变得更加不自然了。因为世界流行双眼皮,所以这种非常虚假的、概念化的东西,把她的心干扰了;当这个世界都去炒股的时候,无数的人不顾自己的条件,放下自己生命当中更重要的事情去炒股。他们卖了房子不顾亲人,结果在股市大跌的时候,有些人自杀了,或者严重地损伤了自己的身体;当这个世界流行许许多多的其他价值观的时候,比如最近流行如何让你成功,如何让你得到更多的钱等这样一类观念,大家就一窝蜂地去迎合这种观念,并且把赚很多的金钱当做成功的标志。却不知道人类除了金钱之外,还应该有另外一种价值标准。这个价值标准就是你首先是一个“人”,不要越过“人”的底线,要有“人”起码的人格尊严,有“人”起码的道德底线。















