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Be Patient and Let Enlightenment Take Care of Itself

2013-03-13 09:05 来源:Let heart belongs to you 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Wangfeng Ting Reviser:Zhao Yuan 浏览:57881489


Be Patient and Let Enlightenment Take Care of Itself


You just keep practicing in a natural state and try to feel what it is like for a bird to fold its wings and sit quietly listening to the Buddha lecturing on the scriptures.. Step by step, try to collect your restless thoughts, and then you will feel as if you have just waken up from a long dream. You have a faint feeling that you have gone through hardships, but inwardly, you are peaceful, happy, and sufficient.


When you have passed the darkest hours before dawn, you will see some light in the sky, and your meditation practice will enter into a marvelous phase. Observe carefully, and you will find that, all of sudden, all your thoughts stop and that a fresh feeling appears in your mind. Your mind becomes more and more peaceful, but sometimes that peacefulness is lost without noticing.


Bear in mind that this intermittent peacefulness is not emptiness or the true mind. Nevertheless, you already can feel some happiness and pliancy. It is like a ray of light in the dark night. With it, you know you are on the right path. As long as you move along the path, you will be bathed in the warm sunshine one day.


But that peaceful joy always disappears completely after it pops up, and you don’t know where to find it. Like Bodhidharma crossing the river on a reed, it disappears without a trace. Isn’t Bodhidharma a symbol of your true mind?


That you have missed your true mind for several times makes your mind dim and without any light. Dark clouds drift and gloomy waves surge, and there is no way to stop your deluded thoughts. In order to stop deluded thoughts and strengthen the inner luminous peacefulness, you must find your fundamental guru and have complete faith in whatever he says. Only in this way are you able to put down everything and go beyond the bondage of all kinds of names and forms. Only when you have get rid of name and form can you see your true mind, your mind of luminous emptiness, your original mind. Then, you are able to be the master of your mind and immune from the distraction of various names and forms.


But it is not easy to find your fundamental guru, because you may not be able to recognize him.


More often than not, those who are generally recognized are people who appear better than they really are; they wear kasaya but inwardly they are filled with greed and attachment. Bad money drives out good. This is a law in economics: bad money drives out good money and eventually there is only bad money on the market. Why is that? Suppose the gold content of a genuine coin is 100% while that of a false coin is 50%, then people will spend the false coins and leave the genuine ones at home. Consequently, false coins will be circulating on the market. I mean, genuine practitioners usually stay at home, leaving a huge market to swindlers. That is why there are so many swindlers on the market. It is the same in any age.


Even so, we still need to be clear that ultimate wisdom requires the shattering of all names and forms. The purpose of chanting the Diamond Sutra is to shatter all names and forms. Don’t worry about not being able to be enlightened – you may be enlightened while sweeping the ground.


There are thousands of ways to enlightenment, the so-called eighty-four thousand permutations of the Buddhist teaching, and each can lead you to enlightenment. For all the permutations aim at helping you attain concentration, without which you can’t possibly acquire wisdom. Once upon a time, Master Mazu Daoyi asked his sister-in-law to hang up an egg with a string and listen to it attentively. She was told that she would have to wait until the egg made a sound. She trusted Mazu deeply and listened to the egg every day. One day, the string snapped and the egg fell to the ground and cracked. Instantly, she was enlightened. Mazu’s sister-in-law hadn’t done any practice before, but she was enlightened at hearing the cracking of an egg. That shows what matters most is your mind, something spiritual.


You don’t have to care whether the luminous peacefulness is intermittent or whether that state is stable. Just keep an ordinary mind and wait. Don’t seek it deliberately and don’t be too nervous, for, in so doing, the luminous peacefulness will disappear sooner, or even worse, it may never appear again.


You just keep practicing in a natural state and try to feel what it is like for a bird to fold its wings and sit quietly listening to the Buddha lecturing on the scriptures.. Step by step, try to collect your restless thoughts, and then you will feel as if you have just waken up from a long dream. You have a faint feeling that you have gone through hardships, but inwardly, you are peaceful, happy, and sufficient.


           Is the peacefulness, happiness and sufficiency you feel now your true mind? Not yet. You have these feelings because you meditate diligently every day and the power of an enormous yearning has penetrated your soul. When your mind can no longer part from your fundamental guru (a spiritual mentor who lights up the lighthouse of your soul), you will feel your soul now has something to rely on. Furthermore, you will have a marvelous experience in which a lonely life is transformed into a blissful Pure Land, and you will become very happy.


Now, you will have seen the first glimmer of enlightenment. But that state is still unstable. Once it disappears, you will feel that your life has become meaningless, and you will be at a loss like a wandering ghost and be plunged into extreme emptiness and a sense of loss, as if you can’t go on living like that. In that state, it is easy for practitioners to think of renunciation, for they are so tired of the loneliness of life and the coldness of the ways of the world that they are eager to get rid of all worldly matters and focus on Buddhist practice. Lots of people become a monk o nun during this phase of their lives.


For those who can’t renounce the family, whatever they are doing, they always bear Buddhist practice in mind and place their master, buddha-lands, and benefiting the public above everything else in their mind. Admittedly, this is also obsession, but it is quite necessary at this stage. For if you are not obsessed with Buddhist practice and benefiting the public, you are not likely to achieve enlightenment in the future.


When you replace an obsession with Buddhist practice with all the other obsessions, you will find that everything, like a dream or an illusion, is impermanent. Whether good or bad, everything will pass and leave not a single trace.


For example, there was an accident in which a minibus fell off a viaduct thirty meters high and exploded. This occurred within thirty minutes. It really happened and it was horrible. However, to a person who is not affected by it or who has not heard of it, the accident doesn’t exist. Even for those who were involved in the accident, it won’t be long before it becomes a memory, which sooner or later will be forgotten completely. So, the incident is no different from a dream.


When you have had a true understanding of the dream-like nature of the world, you won’t feel confused any more, and you will understand the truth that everything – not only the sweetness of passionate love and the bitterness of disappointed love, but our whole life – will be over and, sooner or later, becomes something like a dream or an illusion.


However, understanding the principle does not mean that you can live by it. People know very well that stock prices will go down after going up and then go up again, but their emotions still fluctuate with that fluctuating line. In fact, whether it is stocks or life that we are talking about, you can’t understand the truth of life unless you, on the one hand, realize the empty nature of all things and, on the other, don’t deny their phenomenal existence. Only then will the luminous wisdom exert its enormous influence; only then will your life undergo a great change; and only then will you stop feeling confused by or painful for what is happening in the world.




Translated by non-professional volunteers, there would be some inaccuracies in the translation. You are welcome to offer us some advice for emendation. Please feel free to contact us.We also look forward to you joining our voluntary translation team.


Please contact us at 985140751@qq.com, thank you.












































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