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The Happiness of Adepts and the Happiness of Worldlings

2012-10-09 05:04 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Fengting Wang Reviser: Elaine Lee Zhao Yuan 浏览:59193191

Mahamudra: Essence and Practice ( Book II)

The Happiness of Adepts and the Happiness of Worldlings

Yixin Chen: A practitioner needs to be clear not only about principles but about phenomena. In my opinion, one should get rid of defilements, cast off all attachments in life, and not be obsessed with anything. But there are so many things in the world – the many trivial matters in life, for instance – that seem very hard to deal with when I try to handle them according to “principles.”

●Xue Mo: Mahamudra focuses mainly on two aspects. The first is instant solicitude, which means awakening, clear-mindedness, happiness, and awareness at the present moment, regardless of both the past and the future. Many people can do that, but that alone is not enough. Mahamudra requires that one achieve transcendence and instant solicitude at the same time. That transcendence, also known as ultimate transcendence, is what we call “casting off and shattering attachment.”.

Casting off everything does not mean doing nothing. Rather, it means not being attached to what you are doing. In other words, when you do something, enjoy the happiness and wisdom that the whole process brings you, but don’t treat it as a burden.

For a practitioner of Mahamudra, everywhere he is is his home, whether he is going home or going away from home, whether by bus or on foot. He is happy if a bus comes, but he is not unhappy if there is no more room for him on the bus, because that happiness comes from inside, and it has nothing to do with the outside world. Nowadays, people build their spiritual happiness upon the material world. Changes in the outside world affect their happiness.

After the basic problems for survival have been solved, the happiness of a Mahamudra practitioner is his inner brightness, which has nothing to do with the outside material world.

Yixin Chen: Do you mean that to be happy is to feel at ease under all circumstances?

●Xue Mo: Yes, that is a kind of happiness. However, what to worldlings is the result of having no alternative is a free choice by Mahamudra practitioners.

islet me illustrate my point with a simple example. a goatherd who has received no formal education at all may feel very happy when herding goats every day. But his happiness is probably a kind of ignorance. For when he loses a goat or begins to know what the outside world is like and thus has comparisons and desires, he probably won’t be happy any more. But a Mahamudra practitioner is always happy, even when he has experienced all the joys and sorrows of life, because he has no discrimination or attachment. The happiness of an adept and the ignorant happiness of a goatherd are different. The former is unconditioned and the latter is conditioned. An adept remains happy after he has seen how big and rich the world is with open eyes; an ignorant person is content with the limited happiness he feels with his eyes closed.

Yixin Chen: Someone would say: Many people nowadays make merry while they can; nice food, wine, and women make them happy, falling in love make them happy, and drinking alcohol make them happy, too.

●Xue Mo: But their happiness is based on the outside world. When one has lost his love, he becomes unhappy; when one, for one reason or another, has no alcohol to drink, he becomes unhappy.

Yixin Chen: But you know, some people can adjust themselves soon after disappointment in love. They would think that there will always be fish in the ocean and then they become happy again.

●XueMo: It is greediness. One day, when his health deteriorates, when he no longer has the material means and good health to chase women, he will not be happy again.

Yixin Chen: And there are still a few of them who won’t feel unhappy because they would think that they are satisfied with themselves since they have been young and have enjoyed everything they could. In your opinion, they are stupid, but in their own eyes they are pretty smart.

●Xue Mo: Of course, this kind of happiness is due to their ignorance, just like the goatherd’s. In Buddhism, those who want to find happiness by pursuing desires are likened to those who bite off their own tongue to drink their own blood or who try to quench thirst by drinking seawater – the more they drink, the thirstier they become.

This kind of happiness is that of mediocre people or that of worldlings. It vanishes soon. When material needs are satisfied, when one gets the woman he’s been chasing, when that woman is gone, or when one health is gone, or, indeed, when one’s desires can’t be satisfied, happiness evaporates like frost in the sun.

Any happiness, as long as it is sought outside of one’s mind, is not ultimate happiness. That is to say, happiness based on something outside of the illumination of one’s mind is subject to the external world. When one’s heart is subject to the temporal material world, one’s desires can hardly be satisfied.

The happiness of Mahamudra practitioners is uncompounded happiness, or unconditioned happiness, produced by the light of the soul; whereas the happiness of ordinary people is dependent on the material world.

No matter how happy worldlings may feel, no matter how they adjust themselves, they are bound to be unhappy when they are confronted with death.

A person who has achieved Mahamudra, however, is not afraid of death. Death to a real practitioner can be a festival and it is the most precious opportunity for liberation. I have dealt with this topic in one of my books, which is titled Let Death Become an Golden Opportunity for Liberation.



Translated by non-professional volunteers, there would be some inaccuracies in the translation. You are welcome to offer us some advice for emendation. Please feel free to contact us.We also look forward to you joining our voluntary translation team.

Please contact us at suonanzhuoma1988@163.com, thank you.


























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