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What is Buddha?

2012-09-20 05:38 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Fengting Wang Reviser:Wuwen Yuan Zhao Chao 浏览:59308008

What is Buddha?

ChenYiXin: would you please define “Buddha” in a simple way?

●Xuemo: Budda is an awakened man and he perceives the universe thoroughly. “Song of Enlightenment” (A Dharma poem written by Zen Master, YongJia, in Tang Dynasty,who wrote this poem after the enlightenment.) It says: In dream, I have seen all the living beings in the six realms of existence; when I wake up, I see no world but emptiness only .” In the illusion, you see the existence of the six realms of the samsaric existence. After the enlightenment, you will find that even this boundless universe is an illusion. There is another poem says: “If one wants to know how it feels to be a Buddha, he just needs to clear his mind, like void.” Buddha has found citta and seen the Buddha-nature. The sixth patriarch, HuiNeng had seen the Buddha-nature. All of the great enlighteners had seen the Buddha-nature. The Buddha-nature is all the same in essence. The nature found by the sages, is emptiness (Shunyata). The only differences are what they choose to do after the enlightenment and whether they go on to enlighten others or perfect the enlightened practice. The self enlightener is Arhat; an enlightener who moves on to enlighten others and assist others to see the Budda-nature, is Bodhisattva; the Bodhisattva who still moves forward to achieve the perfection of the enlightened practice, is Buddha.

Put it in easy way, the one who have himself enlightened, but doesn’t help the others to have it, is Arhat; after finding the true self, the one who assists others to get it, is Bodhisattva; the one who makes it himself and helps other to make it and have this done perfectly, is Buddha. We must emphasize the fact that, this perception is the ultimate understanding and that is to say, he realizes the emptiness.

Of course, someone says that there is difference in the nature that they attained, between Arhat and Bodhisattva. Arhat breaks Atma-graha (egocentrism). But Buddha and Bodhisattva also breaks Dharma-graha ( attachment to the reality of elemental constructs).  

ChenYixin: Many people don’t know what it is like, after accomplishing the Buddha-hood. What does a Buddha do?

●XueMo: It is a state of “No Heart (indeliberateness)”. Mind and body enjoys the great freedom. Nothing can disturb him and the mind is absolutely free from everything. Of course sometimes, the body still gets sick and pain, however the pain in the body can’t bother him any more. As a Buddha, his saying and doing naturally benefits all the living beings. There’s no more need to make effort in purpose, saying that I want to preach Dharma and want to benefit the living beings.

ChenYiXin: So how does a Buddha benefit the living beings?

●XueMo: By conduct. Siddhi itself is a conduct. It has a huge impact. A Siddha influences the people and the world, by his conduct. For example, he can preach Dharma or write books, or set an example for the other people to follow, with his conduct. When you achieve enlightenment, the outside world as appears doesn’t matter any more. Your life possesses great power of blessing and you carry the merit of great benevolence. According to tradition, when a great sage lives in a place, he will affect the place in many aspects. There will be Dharma seed in this place. His conduct makes great influence, which can change some established notions.

After you achieve Mahamudra, you have no more discrimination and go beyond duality, no ‘him’ and ‘me’, no ‘his or mine’, no subject or object. It is Mukti, the ultimate liberation. In the respect of liberation, Mahamudra is supreme. It is the absolute freedom, with no attachment.


Translated by non-professional volunteers, there would be some inaccuracies in the translation. You are welcome to offer us some advice for emendation. Please feel free to contact us.We also look forward to you joining our voluntary translation team.

Please contact us at suonanzhuoma1988@163.com, thank you.
















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