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2012-06-01 04:56 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:WanPeng Sun 浏览:59866894


In Tibetan Buddhism, Hevajra has three Buddha forms: the 1st is body Hevajra, transformed by Hevajra’s body, body dharma clean, without difference in emptiness and brightness, with seven Vajra dharma self-nature body; the 2nd is language Hevajra, possessing five branches of Buddha sound, the illusory image of the merits of Vajra language in the deep secret meditation path, his sound is as deep and wide as thunder, as beautiful as music, pleasing the heart and cheering the mind, melodious, bright and clear, delighting the ears; the 3rd is thought Hevajra, the illusory image of Hevajra’s will, with six sections of meditation dharma, such as the raising meditation place big sun Buddha section, empowerment unmoved section, receiving amrita infinte Buddha section, singing praising treasure-arising Buddha section, widely holding offering unempty achievement section and the thoughts of greed becoming Vajrasattva section.

In the Five Golden Dharma of Niguma, Hevajra is the integrative representative and reflection of the will of all Buddha of past, present and future.

In the visualization of the Creation Stage of the “Five Golden Dharma of Niguma”, meditators visualize Hevajra in the centre of the heart chakra, with a slightly smaller Hevajra in each of eight petals, facing the central chief yidam. Hevajra is the integrative reflection of the will of all Buddha. Visualize the Buddha father with a blue body, yellow hair flowing upwards, with a bell and Vajra in both hands, embracing the Buddha mother. The left leg is raised, the right leg steps on the bodies of Brahma and Powerful Lady God in the playing dancing posture on the lotus sun wheel. The Buddha mother, Dag-med-ma, is blue, a Vajra curved blade is raised in the right hand while the left holds a Gabala, embracing the Buddha father’s neck. The left leg also steps on the bodies of Brahma and Powerful Lady God in the playing dancing posture, the right leg is wrapped around the  Buddha father’s waist, dual practicing with Buddha father.

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