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Unnati GC:《见信如面》中女性角色的重要作用(中英文)—在尼泊尔南亚书展雪漠作品分享会演讲

2025-01-13 07:49 来源:www.xuemo.cn 作者:Unnati GC(尼泊尔) 浏览:548426


Unnati GCAkshewor Buddhist Traditional Art College

中国著名作家雪漠的作品《见信如面》已被译为尼泊尔语,题为《Samipma Prem》,由汉学家、文化学者萨尔波塔姆•什雷斯塔(Sarbottam Shrestha)精心翻译。该书经由普拉莫德•纽帕内(Pramod Neupane)编辑,并由时代国际出版有限公司(Times International Pvt. Ltd.)出版,在尼泊尔文坛引起了很大反响。

202482日,加德满都陆军军官俱乐部(Army Officer's Club)举办了一场盛大的图书展(Kitab Jatra)。活动期间,我有幸在雪漠作品的展位担任志愿者,并获得了《Samipma Prem》一书。利用假期时间,我细细品读了这部作品,感受到了它所带来的深刻心灵震撼。

202511日至5日,第二届尼泊尔南亚国际书展在加德满都隆重举行,来自世界各地的书籍和出版社纷纷参展,其中雪漠作品的特别展览尤为引人注目。书展期间,主办方组织了多场关于书籍、文学和其他主题的交流活动。其中,由萨尔波塔姆•什雷斯塔主持的关于雪漠作品的研讨会备受媒体关注,我也有幸参与了这次研讨会。在古之草的建议下,我精心准备并发表了题为“《Samipma Prem》中女性角色的作用”的演讲。



据我研究,《Samipma Prem》是一部深深植根于西藏、尼泊尔与北印度那片古老而神秘的宗教土壤之中的作品。千年的佛教文化纽带将这些地域紧紧相连。作品以宗教与历史为经纬,编织了一位成就大师的心灵求索之旅。

故事以情书为线索,缓缓展开。来自雪域高原的佛教弟子琼波浪觉(Khyungpo Nenjor),怀揣着对智慧的渴望,前往尼泊尔求学,并爱上了已从活女神库玛丽(Kumari)角色中退位的年轻女子莎尔娃蒂(Saraswati)。然而,为了进一步提升自己的精神追求,琼波浪觉踏上了前往印度比哈尔邦的旅程,以寻找他的瑜伽上师“奶格玛”(Niguma)。与莎尔娃蒂分开后,他们的爱情通过信鸽传递的书信得以延续。这些信件常常表达了分离的痛苦,并提及了那些心怀恶意之人强加给他们的负面影响。然而,两人分开后却再未重聚。当琼波浪觉完成精神之旅返回加德满都寻找莎尔娃蒂时,却得知她已离世。这便是故事的核心内容。


在《Samipma Prem》中,琼波浪觉被描绘成一个有梦想、有追求的正面男性角色。然而,与他相比,女性角色们则如同夜空中最亮的银河,更加耀眼夺目。




库玛丽是莎尔娃蒂的挚友和守护者,也是另一位重要的女性角色。库玛丽的恋人更香多杰(Ghanshyam Vajra)扮演了负面角色,他与班马朗(Padma Lal)和一些西藏敌人勾结,使用密宗力量伤害琼波浪觉。此外,他还试图拆散琼波浪觉和莎尔娃蒂,以获取莎尔娃蒂的财富。在整个故事中,库玛丽始终忠于莎尔娃蒂,警告她那些潜藏的阴谋与危险。而莎尔娃蒂则通过书信将这些信息传递给琼波浪觉,帮助他面对诸多的挑战与困境。因此,库玛丽在故事中的作用非凡且不可或缺。




Samipma Prem》以奶格玛的智慧、莎尔娃蒂的爱与奉献以及库玛丽对朋友的全力支持为核心主题。这三位女性角色共同编织了一张美丽的织锦,为琼波浪觉的成就之路增添了无尽的色彩与力量。

最终,《Samipma Prem》不仅展现了女性角色的非凡力量与崇高精神,更让我们感受到了爱情、友谊与智慧交织而成的美丽画卷。这部作品不仅是一部文学佳作,更是一部关于人性、信仰与追求的深刻探讨。

The vital role of female character in Samipma prem (见信如面)

Unnati GC Akshewor Buddhist Traditional Art College student

The renowned Chinese writer Xuemo's work (见信如面) has now reached Nepali readers under the translated title Samipma Prem. Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha, an expert in Chinese language and literature, translated this work into Nepali. It was edited by Pramod Neupane and published by Times International Pvt. Ltd.

A grand book exhibition (Kitab Jatra) was held in Kathmandu on August 2, 2024. While volunteering at the stall showcasing Xuemo's works during the event, Xuemo's disciple, Ms. Gu Zhicao, gave me the book Samipma Prem. I utilized my Vacation time to read this book. From January 1st  to 5th  2025, the second South Asia International Book Fair was organized in Kathmandu. The fair featured exhibitions of books and publishers from various countries, including a special exhibition of Xuemo's works. Several sessions on books, literature, and other topics were organized during the fair. Among them, a session on Xuemo's literary contributions was conducted. Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha, the translator of Samipma Prem, led and facilitated the session. I was fortunate to attend this session. At the suggestion of Ms. Gu Zhicao, I prepared and presented a talk on the topic “The Role of Female Characters in Samipma Prem.”

About the Book

From my study, Samipma Prem is a work rooted in the religious traditions of the then Tibet, Nepal, and North Indian regions. Approximately a thousand years ago, Buddhist traditions connected these three regions. Hence, this work is fundamentally based on religious and historical traditions.

The story is brought to life through the exchange of love letters between the two main characters. A Tibetan Buddhist disciple, Khyungpo Nenjor, comes to Nepal to gain knowledge. In Nepal, he falls in love with Saraswati, a young woman who had retired from her role as the living goddess Kumari. However, with the aim of furthering his spiritual knowledge, Khyungpo sets off in search of his yogini teacher, “Niguma” in Bihar, India. After being separated from Saraswati, their love continues through the exchange of letters which are delivered by pigeons.

The letters often express the pain of separation and mention the negative tantric influences imposed by those who wished ill upon them. However, after being separated they are never able to reunite. When Khyungpo Nenjor completes his spiritual journey and returns to Kathmandu to meet Saraswati, he finds that she has passed away. This is the essence of the story.

Key Themes and Characters

In Samipma Prem, Khyungpo Nenjor is portrayed as a positive male character. However, when comparing the positive and negative roles, it is the female characters who emerge as more positive and powerful.


Saraswati is the central female character in the story. Through her, the book showcases loyalty and selflessness in love. She continuously motivates Khyungpo Nenjor through letters, encouraging him to pursue his spiritual journey. To protect him from the evil influences of his enemies who tried to harm him physically and mentally, Saraswati performed rituals, prayers, and various tantric practices invoking Hindu and Buddhist deities. Even after her death, she ensured Khyungpo’s success by transferring her entire wealth to him through her friend Kumari. 


“Kumari”, Saraswati’s close friend and well-wisher is another significant female character. Kumari's lover, Ghanshyam Vajra plays a negative role, collaborating with Padma Lal and some Tibetan enemies of Khyungpo to harm him using tantric powers. Beyond this, he also seeks to separate Khyungpo and Saraswati to gain Saraswati’s wealth. Throughout the story, Kumari remains loyal to Saraswati warning her about these conspiracies and providing updates, which Saraswati communicates to Khyungpo through her letters helping him counter the negative influences. Kumari’s role in the story is exceptional and invaluable.


Although not directly visible in the narrative, Niguma is the most powerful character in my view. Her significant role is evident in establishing Khyungpo Nenzor as a prominent historical figure in Tibetan Buddhism. After receiving teachings from Niguma, the once ordinary disciple from Tibet evolves into an extraordinary spiritual leader.

Themes and Contributions

The core themes of the book revolve around Niguma’s contribution to knowledge, Saraswati’s sacrifice, dedication and love, and Kumari’s unparalleled support for her friend. These three female characters play unwavering roles in shaping Khyungpo Nenjor as the main protagonist of the story. 

Ultimately, Samipma Prem portrays the roles of women as exceptionally powerful, elevated, and positive.


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